1996 Terra-Gator 2505 Applicator For Sale
- Price
- $75,000 USD
- Description
- Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, Other, For Sale
- Stock #
- 011820233
- Serial
- Stock #: 011820233
- Status: Other
- Make: Terra-Gator
- Model: 2505
- Year: 1996
- 1996 Terra-Gator 2505 Cummins L10 inline 6 350hp, 18 Spd. Trans. 4000 Gallon Pressure/Vacuum, Liquid Sludge System with Heavy-Duty 5 Shank Toolbar with Injectors, 4000 Gallon, Powertrain, 350 HP, Low hours, Clean, Good tread, Runs and looks good.